Hit and Run Technique
To perform the Hit and Run Technique, you will require artillery, preferably Multiple Rocket Launchers. In addition, you can also use Main Battle Tanks and a tanker ace along with your artillery, but it is advised to have your main battle tanks leveled up to level four, so they don’t slow down your stack. You will require military logistics in the province where you are performing the attack. Military logistics is a building that can be built in provinces to increase unit speed within the province. Once you’ve met those requirements, you must position your stack in a straight line with the enemy also on the line. Then attack the enemy stack and run so the enemy can’t return fire. It is essential to rush your units. You can rush your units by clicking on them and then clicking the rush button. Once your units have run, disable the rush by clicking the rush button again. Then, repeat the Hit and Run attack until the enemy unit dies. To do the Hit and Run Technique with ships, you must do the same thing but try to position your ships in high seas, and there is also no need for military logistics as you can’t build them.
Helicopter Strategies
There are three main principles to using helicopters effectively. Do not fly your helicopters in areas where Air Superiority Fighters are present. Be wary of anti-air. Do not attack stacks with your helicopters with mobile anti-air or other units with strong helicopter anti-air. The final tip is when using helicopters, have four helicopters and one other aerial unit type in your stack. You don’t want five helicopters in your stack because when you only have helicopters in one stack, the damage is not distributed between all your helicopters. Damage distribution is vital because it prevents your helicopters from dying as fast.
Hunting Fighters using Air Superiority Fighters & Elite Attack Aircraft / Strike Fighters
You will first need to find the enemy fighters. You will use your air superiority fighters to patrol near the enemy fighters. You must keep moving your aircraft using the patrol button because if you don’t, your aircraft will engage the enemy fighter wing. Then, once you see the enemy aircraft is refueling, send in your Strike Fighters / Elite Attack Aircraft. Then, if your fighter wing is sufficiently large, it will eliminate the enemy air wing in one strike.