How to Obtain a Unit?
First, you must go to the research tab and research a unit. Then, you need to click on a city and build the required buildings for that unit. Once those requirements are met, you can mobilize your unit in the same tab buildings are built. Keep in mind that mobilizing units costs resources.
Infantry units are your troops on the ground. Infantry units are the only units that can conquer land, so it is essential to have a composition of infantry in your army. You will start the game with 2 Motorized Infantry in your homeland cities.
Armored units are a solid choice to support your infantry. Only Naval units and Missiles have more HP than Armored units. If you’re looking for a heavy hitter, Armored units may be perfect for you.
Support units are some of the most important units in the game. In the support category, you will find some of the most important units for defense and offense. This category includes the Multiple Launch Rocket System and the SAM. Those two units are the most essential in late-game military engagements.
Helicopters are low-flying aerial units that are vulnerable to Air Superiority Fighters. They can deal tremendous damage to Armored and Soft targets. In addition, they can fly or scout without radar detection from SAMs or Theater Defense Systems.
Fighters are usually the bulk of your Air Force. Air Superiority Fighters mainly deal damage to other fighters and helicopters, Strike Fighters deal damage to Soft and Hard targets, and Stealth Fighters are fighters. Still, they’re hard for radars to detect. Air Superiority and Strike fighters each have their own Stealth fighter model.
Will you choose the AWAC? Or the powerful nation crippling Heavy Bomber? Heavies strike with tremendous damage. However, Heavies are all susceptible to the Air Superiority Fighter.
Naval units are a necessity to expand your empire. With a strong navy, you can conquer anything. Once you rule the seas, there will be little your enemy can do to stop you.
These elusive units can cause havoc in enemy positions. If you have a nuclear arsenal, Ballistic Submarines will allow you to portray power across the world. However, the Attack Submarine will decimate your opponents if they don’t have destroyers or other Attack Submarine countering units.
These units will no doubt leave a smile on your face. Your opponent is less so. To use missiles, you will first need to research your warhead. There are three warhead types: Nuclear, Chemical, or Conventional. To launch these devastating weapons of mass destruction, you will also need to research ICBM, Cruise, or Ballistic Missiles and research a launching platform.
Officers are valuable units that provide bonuses to other units in the same stack (including themselves). Every unit type has its own officer, excluding Missiles and Deployables. You can only have one officer of each type mobilized simultaneously. Officers are expensive units to mobilize, so it is advised to mobilize before you research the officer to level two.
Deployables are unmanned units that provide support to a variety of combat scenarios. Once launched, they will hover around the area where they were launched for two in-game days. If an enemy unit approaches an area where a Deployable has been launched, the Deployable will attack the enemy unit. After the enemy unit has been attacked, the Deployable will disappear. These units are very cheap and easily spammable.